How-to care for your suit

To prevent your suit to wear prematurely, please follow these instructions:
At the DZ
Make sure the zipper is completely done up before jumping. Free falling with a partially done zipper may break it.
• If you are using a Velcro wrist altimeter, make sure the harsh part is not rubbing on your spandex cuff. Failure to do so may damage the fabric. 
• Do not pack with your suit. Your suit is meant for flying, not packing or hanging out. It’s totally OK if you choose to keep your suit for packing and hanging out on the DZ since we all know it does make you look good, but note that it will also wear out your suit faster.
At the tunnel
Make sure the zipper is completely done up before flying. Flying with a partially done zipper may break it.

• Beware of wall burns, friction at high speeds against the walls may damage the fabric.

At all times
• Let it dry inside out to ensure sweat dries entirely and avoid odours.

When storing your suit, ensure all velcro pieces are properly fastened to avoid rubbing on the other parts of the suit.

• Keep it out of the sun or dusty areas.

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