Production Timeline
We provide an estimated production timeline in order to help you plan ahead and know when your order should arrive. Sometimes, we deliver much faster than the estimated timeline, but sometimes it takes longer. We always do our absolute best to deliver before the estimated timeline, but sometimes we get large contracts, even several large contracts all at once, and it backs up our production line and we can get a few weeks behind.
Since we never outsource, and we want to keep high quality standards, we never cut corners in order to go faster. We are continually expanding and modernizing our production line in order to keep timelines short, working overtime if we have to.
We really appreciate your patience and comprehension, and we want you to rest assured that we are always working very hard to give you the best suits on the market today with the fastest timeline possible.
Our current timeline is 9-10 weeks ready to ship for all custom items, and 7-8 weeks ready to ship for all generic sizes items, which means it might be ready before but if you need a guaranty that it will be ready before that, we suggest you select our rush option.
*In Stock items will ship within 5 business days.
Rush Orders
Rush orders are prioritized and shipped as soon as possible and currently it is set at 3 weeks maximum wait. If you want custom sublimation on your suit it adds 2-4 weeks to the rush timeline depending on the complexity of your design. If you go with a preset design it adds 1-2 week to the timeline.
If for any reasons we cannot meet the rush deadline, we will refund you.
Exceptions to refunds: • If we have to wait for your reply to provide updated measurements more than 5 days. • If we have to wait for your reply for custom mock ups approval more than 5 days. • If we have to wait for your reply on any other topics related to production or shipping more than 5 days.
* We close our shop 2 weeks during the summer to give our team a well deserved break. This year the production will be closed between July 28 until August 11 2024. Note that if your shipping date falls into these dates it will be delayed. This includes rush orders.*