I want to wear bulky clothes under my suit, do I get measured with those?

We do not recommend getting measured with bulky clothes on. First, clothing may shift around when you wear your suit and will make for a very uncomfortable experience. Second, when you wont be wearing those bulky clothes your suit may not fit properly.

We really recommend to invest in a good base layer. Either a ski/snowboard thin wool layer, or a compression layer like under armour. These are very warm, and will let you enjoy the maximum benefits of your suit while keeping you warm and un-restricted in your movements. We also sell our own base layers: https://verticalsuits.com/products/base-layers

If you absolutely must wear bulky clothes like a hoodie, jeans or loose pants, be aware that you may be uncomfortable and somewhat restricted in your movements. If you are fine with that, then we recommend getting measured without those bulky clothes on, as per our  measurement video guide. You should be ordering a classic line suit in a loose fit, like a Z-Suit or Inverted Suit and make mention of this in the extra comment box of your order form. If you wish to wear a Viper or any of our articulated line except our Flex which comes in a loose size, we do not guaranty you will be comfortable in it. 

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